is a website created by Marla Cilley, known as "The FlyLady," which is dedicated to helping people manage their homes and lives through a system of simple routines and tasks. The site offers advice on cleaning, decluttering, and organizing, all designed to make home management more manageable and less overwhelming.

Key Features of

  1. The FlyLady System:

    • The system is based on breaking down cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable routines. This method is intended to prevent feelings of overwhelm by focusing on small, consistent actions.
    • FlyLady encourages the use of a daily schedule with specific tasks for each day of the week, such as "Shine Your Sink" and "Declutter for 15 minutes."
  2. The 11 Baby steps:

    • The FlyLady approach begins with "baby steps," a gradual introduction to new habits, aimed at helping people build confidence and consistency in their routines.
    • The first step is often as simple as shining your sink, which becomes a symbol of starting the day with a small accomplishment.
  3. Daily Missions:

    • Each day, FlyLady provides a "mission" or a task to focus on, such as cleaning a specific area of the home or decluttering. These are designed to be simple and not overwhelming.
  4. FlyLady's Zones:

    • The FlyLady system divides the home into zones (e.g., the kitchen, living room, etc.). Each week, one zone is the focus, with cleaning and decluttering tasks targeted specifically for that area.
  5. The 27-Fling Boogie:

    • This is a decluttering method that encourages users to get rid of 27 items in 15 minutes. It's meant to help people ease into decluttering without feeling overwhelmed.
  6. Encouragement and Motivation:

    • The FlyLady community is known for its emphasis on self-care and positive reinforcement. The website and newsletters offer daily encouragement to help users stay motivated.
  7. Social Media & Community:

    • includes a strong sense of community, with forums, social media groups, and email newsletters. These resources allow users to connect, share experiences, and support each other.


FlyLady promotes the idea of "progress, not perfection," urging people to let go of the need to do everything perfectly. It's about building consistency and celebrating small successes, rather than trying to achieve a "perfect" home.

Overall, aims to make home management feel less overwhelming by introducing small, consistent habits and creating a sense of community support.